heARTful remedies Guiding Frameworks

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Empowerment Framework

You are the expert on yourself. My role is to provide a space where you can find clarity and figure out what decisions make the most sense for you. I am here to help witness your lived experience, be a sounding board, and walk with you on your healing path.


Strengths-Based Framework

You already have inner strengths. We are going to identify and use the places you are already strong to help support the places you are wanting to grow/change.


Trauma-Informed Framework

Trauma is real. When someone has experienced trauma, they have experienced something that violates their personhood and/or sense of safety in the world. We will go at your pace. You are the one who is in charge of your story and the places we will walk together.


Cultural Humility Framework

We are all lifelong learners. Privilege experienced in one identity does not take away from oppression experienced in another identity and vice versa. We must critically examine systems (not people) and be willing to challenge the oppressive ideas/beliefs within ourselves and the world around us through individual and institutional accountability. The result is compassionate action.