creativity powered by mindfulness

Come create with us! We are busy. But we need time to pause—to reconnect with ourselves and quiet our minds. Mindfulness is a practice.

This is an opportunity to engage in Self-led creativity. Our facilitator Renee Tate will provide support and inspiration as we create freely. We will be guided by a mindfulness intention as we choose exploration through an offering of art materials.

Goals for our time include lowered stress, increased positive mood, and enhanced overall wellness. Take home your art piece(s) and tips to incorporate creative heART mindfulness practices into each day. Hope to see you there!

heARTful Wellness Workshops FAQs

An art-based wellness practice

What is a heARTful Wellness Workshop?

These workshops are creative wellness outlets intentionally structured to foster mindfulness through artistic Self-expression. Each 90-minute art-based wellness workshop is a safer space for you to turn down the noise of daily life and center yourself using a variety of art materials.

What art materials will be available?

watercolors, colored pencils, alcohol markers, permanent markers, gel pens, oil pastels, crayons, textile materials (i.e. fabric, yarn, buttons, embroidery thread, ephemera)

What will I take away from this experience?

The practice of intentional artistic exploration within a framework of mindfulness.

Is this therapy?

No. This creative mindfulness workshop is for educational purposes only. See Workshop Agreement-Disclaimer.

What if I’m not very creative?

Openness to creativity is all that is required.

Why is this workshop centered on making art?

heARTful remedies believes creating art is a sacred practice of Self-Care.

Who can attend a heARTful Wellness Workshop?

heARTful wellness workshops are for adults 18+

heARTful wellness workshops info

7:00pm-8:30pm CST

Questions? Contact us at